First of all, merry Christmas to everyone!
A lot has been going on lately. Many things are not interesting enough for a post of their own, but we would still like to keep everyone up-to-date, so here's a compilation
New team leads for Marketing and Game Design
In the Staff meeting last weekend we agreed on promoting Krozan to Team Lead for the Marketing Team and Versatile to Team Lead for the Game Design team. Congratulations to both!
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments related to Marketing or Game Design, they are the people you'll want to talk to.
Twitch live streams on the forums
We have installed a new application on these forums that allows users to publish any streams they have on twitch on our site. You can find it here.
This way you can easily share your streams with the rest of the community, and we'll have all CG-related live streams in one place. Feel free to test it out. At the moment streams are not yet moderated, but we might add moderator approval to the system later if needed.
Shortened URLs to use on social media
Long forum links can be annoying, especially if you want to share the link with others on social media, by email or on IRC. We have purchased the domain and will be using that to generate shortened urls for anything important on the site and forums.
For example:
If you'd like a shortened url for a thread you made to easily share it, please contact the marketing team for now. We might come up with a more sophisticated system for it later, but it has no priority for us at the moment.
Upcoming server launch
Here it comes...
We are confident we can launch in January. You can consider this a promise. One that we, unless very bad unforeseen personal circumstances arise, will definitely keep. Unlike promises on old CG, this is a very realistic promise with a very realistic time frame. One that we're ready for.
So yes, you will be able to play on our servers in January. Probably somewhere mid-January. When we are completely ready for launch, we will of course post an exact launch date, put it on the forum calendar, post it on Facebook, send out e-mails, etcetera etcetera. You won't be able to miss it!
Next staff update
The next staff blog will be posted on Sunday, December 28th. It will be about the malls for pvp players. Be sure to keep an eye on this forum